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Product and Solution

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Automated Secretion

Clearance in Lower Respiratory Tract

Help reduce Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia (VAP) for on-ventilator patient in ICU.

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Respiratory Neuromuscular

Electrical Stimulator

To reduce ICU Acquired Weakness (ICU-AW) for a long period of a mechanical ventilation.


Indoor Air Quality and Humidity Control

To help reduce poor indoor air due to complex functional use of a healthcare facility in event of infectious deseases.

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100% OA System with Energy Recovery 

To assure a high standard of hygeinic air inside the medical and pharma-ceutical facility, clients always rely on technology with the proof of records.

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based Solution to Women Healthcare

To improve microbiota-host-gut communication by using an innovative micro-biology technologies. 

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Digial Migraine

Neuromodulator for Digital Migraine Therapy

With an advancement in neuro science of today, we can bypass the drug treatment on chronic and acute migraine. 

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